Monday, November 24, 2008

giving and reciving

Yesterday I finally talked to my fiance about what happened a year ago with that woman. Why she did what she did. At first he didn't tell me the whole truth he said she liked him and that's why she did it. But I still wondered why he didn't contact me and tell me right away. It didn't make sense to me. Finally he told me he thought he would get more time in prison. He had so many drug charges and other ones he thought he would get 12 years and have to serve 10 1/2. He said he didn't want to hurt me anymore. Then he went on a drinking and drug binge for that last month. I truly believe he did what he thought was best at the time. He confided in me that he no longer wants to live this lifestyle and vicious cycle of drinking and abusing drugs. I told him that he had the choice to make and the power was in his hands. I said his HP can help him and i will support him 100% if he chooses recovery. So right now I'm just letting go and letting God. A few weeks ago I sensed my HP was telling me to write some articles. I did and now one is being published. It's coming out December 1st. I'm so excited about that. Thanks for letting me share.

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